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Apprentice of OceanClan

#250 by PeanutButterRum

molly | 7 moons | apprentice

formerly known as Daisykit

the small

perpetually scared of change
very curious but still quite shy
impatient tendencies but well-intentioned

mentor: Dawnmask

mate: none

kits: none

family: none


Personality & History

Daisykit was found wandering alone through OceanClan territory by a patrol when she was a few mere weeks old. She was tiny, tinier than most kits that age. the healer didn't think she would survive the cold, it was nearing leaf-bare and many of even the stronger kits would be challenged by the weather. 

But Daisykit pulled through the harsh weather, barely leaving the nursery for moons at a time. she spent all her time with her foster mother, cuddling into the molly's warm fur. Her foster mother had lost all her kits to disease prior to finding Daisykit. At this point in time, the clan had still not named Daisykit. The young kit could not speak yet for reasons the clan was unsure about and later found out she was completely deaf and could not perceive any sounds

The weather had begun to warm up, the young silvery kit ventured out of the nursery for the first time. The first thing she did was leap through the daisies, bouncing through the white flowers while blending into them. Sealstar, who had spent much time watching over the kit, named her Daisykit. The clan learnt to communicate with Daisykit through body language, primarily tail flick's and paw movements. Many warriors are concerned about her ability to be a clan cat and Sealstar is considering leaving her apprentice ceremony until she is older than 6 moons. Only time will tell what will become of small Daisykit, and whether or not she will survive in OceanClan.

Daisykit currently spends most of her time in the daisies, closely watched by her foster mother. She seems happy enough, even if she cannot communicate her thoughts and emotions the typical way. A system of language using bodies instead of words has developed immensely since she first arrived and, although being able to communicate now, much of her life is still limited. She can understand most basic conversations but also developed a fear of the dark as she can no longer see and understand much of what her clanmates are saying to her. 

The two siblings, Smokefang and Dawnmask, both wanted Daisykit to be their apprentice. Sealstar allowed Daisykit to have her own choice and after almost a moon of anguish she finally settled on Dawnmask. Her training began quickly and she soon found that her disability became less and less of a hindrance while still being ever-present in her life. She proved adaptable and became a fierce hunter and was particularly successful in fishing from the quick stream which flows into the ocean.

Relations & Family

Colorful Circle








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