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Apprentice of OceanClan

#586 by ~HєуRÑ”ι~

molly | 13 moons | apprentice

formerly known as Buttermilk



the jester

carefree and full of laughter
energetic but channels that into her training
eager to make friends but can be overbearing


mentor: Eaglefeather

mate: none

kits: none

family: Eaglefeather (uncle)


Personality & History

Tansypaw started out life as a kittypet named Buttermilk, born to Biscuit and Cream, in a twoleg home. As the only kit in the litter, Buttermilk was doted on by her parents, but they soon found she was, well, a bit much. Ever getting into anything she could get her paws on, Buttermilk made a complete mess of the house almost daily. She was constantly sneaking into the twoleg cupboards to stuff herself full of bad foods which tasted delicious, once even going so far as to eat their goldfish. Biscuit knew she had to do something about her erratic daughter and soon.

Biscuit's brother Cocoa had also had the same, er, behavioural issues as a kit. He ran away every night after their twolegs went to bed, and eventually told Biscuit he wouldn't be returning. Biscuit was worried over how much of COcoa she saw in her daughter, and decided she needed to find where he had gone and ask for advice. It was a very long process, Buttermilk and her spent many a night wandering just outside the twolegplace for any sign of him. And they eventually found him.

An OceanClan patrol interrupted them one night, one of those cats being Cocoa, now Eaglefeather. Thrilled at seeing his sister, Eaglefeather was overcome with excitement and quickly launched into a recount of his entire life, not even noticing Buttermilk. She wasn't shy and quickly made her presence known to the group. The other cats on the patrol were reluctant to bring her to the camp, but Eaglefeather eventually persuaded them on one condition. Biscuit was to stay behind.

Sealstar was quick to accept Buttermilk into OceanClan and gave her the name Tansypaw. Tansypaw had a difficult time adjusting to the new name at first and had begged Sealstar to be called Butterpaw or Milkpaw, to which the grumpy grey molly refused time and time again. Unlike her new name, Tansypaw took quickly to her apprenticeship. She proved to be a formidable fighter despite her kittypet upbringing and could easily best other apprentices her size after only a few training sessions. 

Hunting was another story. She was still skilled at it, but she lacked the patience to catch certain types of prey. Tansypaw rejoiced in chasing down rabbits but found she would rather go hungry than wait for mice to leave their den to catch them. Sensing this, Eaglefeather resigned to only allow her to hunt mice for one moon, almost driving her insane. She still continues to struggle with patience and is always getting into things she shouldn't be. Tansypaw has a long way to go before she becomes a warrior, but she is definitely on track

Relations & Family

Tansypaw round.png











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